Contact us

Welford Park Car Park
Lambourn Road
RG20 8HY
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Telephone 01488 608691
(During office hours)
Email enquiries
Directions to our Car Park
From M4 (East) and London, and Oxford and A34 (North):
M4 to Junction 13 (Newbury, Oxford). Or A34 south to A34/M4 junction. Proceed south on A34 (signposted Winchester). After 3 miles turn left signposted A4 Newbury, Hungerford. At roundabout go over top of A34 towards Hungerford. At next roundabout take second turn, signposted to Stockcross and Wickham.
Go approx. 4 miles to Wickham and turn right to Welford. After approximately 1 mile Welford Church is on left go round corner, down short hill, over the river to crossroads. Turn left and after a short distance, you will see the signs to the car park entrance on your right.
From Newbury:
Leave Newbury on A4 towards Hungerford; go over the bypass and at roundabout take the second turn, signposted to Stockcross and Wickham. Go approx. 4 miles to Wickham and proceed from there as above.
From A34 (South):
Leave A34 at turn for A4 Hungerford. At roundabout take third turn to Stockcross and Wickham. Go approximately 4 miles to Wickham and proceed from there as above.
From M4 (West):
Leave M4 at Junction 14 (Hungerford, Wantage). Turn left in direction of Wantage for approximately ¼ mile. Turn right signposted to Wickham. Go approximately 2 miles to Wickham and turn left to Welford. (just after the 5 Bells pub). Proceed as above as from Wickham.
From Hungerford:
Leave Hungerford on the A338 towards M4. Just after M4 (junction 14) turn right signposted Wickham. Proceed as above as from M4 (West)- junction 14.
From Wantage, Lambourn:
A338 or Lambourn Valley road to Great Shefford. At The Great Shefford pub head towards Hungerford but take first turn to left, (in fact the main road swings round to right and you go straight on). After approximately 2 miles you will see the Car Park sign on your left.